Whiskey and Boris in "A Cat Divided"

Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the greatest illusion of all time, the trick that forever changed the world of magic. Not since Houdini's death-defying escape from the Chinese Water Torture Cell; nor the fastest transformation in the world, the Metamorphosis performed by the Pendragons;  nor the comedic skepticism of Penn & Teller and their open mouth Double Bullet Catch has a trick so captivated audiences around the world.

I would like to draw your attention to the bed where the subject of my magic mastery, a 22-pound cat named Whiskey, enjoys a sunny afternoon. He intends to sleep the day away and is completely unaware that his world will soon be cut short.

So you naysayers don’t question if this cat was altered in some way, I purchased a new one still in the bag upon which he sits.

I give you "A Cat Divided."  Please wait while I conjure up some black magic and Abracadabra, Alakazam, Presto Chango—Ta-Dah!

Whiskey has been sawed in half with his back end at least a foot away from his upper body. Look on top of the bed, look under the bed--no strings, no mirrors, no pulleys. Pure magic.

Now, all I have to do is figure out how to rejoin him. Be a good boy Whiskey. Hold still.

No cat was harmed in performance of this trick. Boris may have had his ego bruised being the butt of the joke, but that's what he gets for sneaking under the covers to attack his big brother.
Both whole and ready to take the magic act on the road

Every Color Deserves a Forever Home
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