Boris the Flying Cat

The very first day Boris came to live with us, he started at my ankle and climbed up to my shoulders. The first day I took him to work, he did the same thing to my unsuspecting boss. I went home early that day, because it seemed the safest thing to do :)

Three years later, and he still loves to get on people's shoulders. If I open the fridge and bend down to get something, Boris strolls from the kitchen table to my back, which means I have to walk to the bedroom bent in half so he doesn't claw the heck out of me if I stand up. Once I make to the room, I sit on the bed and do a rolI to deposit him on the mattress.
Later in life, he started leaping through the air to land on my shoulders. Like most poker players, he has a tell, and, if you are paying attention, you know when flight is about to take place. Here is a short video I took after Boris was meowing and meowing in the kitchen for what turned out to be no reason except to lure me into his personal bounce house.

P.S. excuse the mess. The video is here
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